An annotated selection of my current favorites

Until We Reckon: Violence, Mass Incarceration, and A Road to Repair by Danielle Sered

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A beautifully written articulation of the impacts of trauma, the needs of survivors, and the paths towards truly transforming harmful behavior and it's systemic causes.

Helping Teens Stop Violence, Build Community, and Stand for Justice by Allan Creighton and Paul Kivel

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My go-to book for adults on justice-centered, youth empowerment. There’s an amazing set of associated curricula, for use with middle and high school students.

Medicine Stories: History, Culture, and the Politics of Integrity by Aurora Levins Morales

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One of my all-time favorite books on the intersections of trauma healing and collective liberation. Accessible and poetic.

The Politics of Trauma by Staci Haines

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A thorough guide to the methodology of embodied trauma healing and leadership development forwarded by generative somatics.

Healing Collective Trauma

A treasure trove of interviews, articles, and videos with some of the leaders and elders of healing justice, addressing diverse forms of collective and historical trauma from a cross-cultural perspective.

Healing Justice Podcast

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A wonderful resource of recorded conversations about the intersection of collective healing and social change. Each episode comes with a facilitated practice to take with you.

How to Give A Good Apology
by Mia Mingus

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A brilliant, pragmatic transformative justice resource on the meaning and practice of true accountability. Covers the four parts of accountability and the what & how of apologizing.

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